Intro STATS R Code

Henry Glick / Jonathan R-S


Basic Graphics : Includes bar charts, pie charts, histograms, dot plots, boxplots

Basic Summary Statistics : Includes mean, median, min, max, quartiles, percentiles, standard deviation, variance

Normal Distributions : Includes normal quantiles, normal quantile plots, drawing normal density function

Scatterplots, Correlation, Transformations : Includes examples of scatterplots, calculating correlation, making basic transformations

Basic Linear Regression, Example 1 : Fit linear model for log-transformed body/brain weights, make regression plot, create residual plots

Basic Linear Regression, Example 2 : Fit linear model for World Bank Data (fertility as predicted by GNI per capita (regular and log scale)), make regression plot, create residual plots

Creating Randomized Data : Example of how to randomly assign individuals, and examples of random binomial data

Probability Distributions : Calculating Bionomial, Poisson, t probabilities/distributions/etc.

Simulating the Central Limit Theorem : An example of how to simulate the Central Limit Theorem. Basically how to do problem 7 on HM 4 (FES/Flipped STATS)

Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Tests : One and two sample t-tests, one and two sample tests of proportions; one and two sided tests